
1414 C Street Lincoln Nebraska USA [Homepage] [Photos & Layouts] 1414 C ST [2 BR] 1414 C ST Apt 5 Studio Details Apt 6 (1 Bedroom w class) Apt 6 Layout 1 BR Apt 7 We R GREEN!!! NON-smoking Files 1 BR Apt 4 Apt 4 Pix Apt 6 PIX Attractions Apt 7 Pix 7 Kitchen Photos 100 Flowers Apt5 Remodel White!! 1406 Apt 5 [1 BR] 1414 Apt 8 Owls Nest Usefull Links 1406Apt7Pix State Capitol Lycra Balaclava for sale Ski Mask Apt 8 Apt 3 Apt 3 Photos 3 more photos Jaguar 1 Jaguar 2 Jaguar 3 Jaguar INFO Jaguar Info 2

All apartments and Grounds are NON-SMOKING. Breath EASY!!! Fresh air abounds.

Smoking is NOT ALLOWED in any apartment, in any of the common areas, or on any of the grounds.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you smoke or who have friends who visit who smoke, please look elsewhere for an apartment.